Welcome you to our new show, Freedom, a place for conversations about ideas that matter.

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About Freedom

We co-hosted the podcast “Free Thoughts” for over 8 years and 400 episodes. We interviewed hundreds of leading thinkers, from economists, to philosophers, to historians, to journalists, and even punk rockers.

With Freedom, we will continue in the tradition of “Free Thoughts,” but with important differences. Freedom will still feature conversations about ideas that matter. But, not being tied to any institution, Freedom will have more, well, Freedom. 

Expect broader discussions and more diverse guests, maybe even more punk rockers. And expect to hear more about what we think. Trevor and I often disagree, and actually our respectful disagreements have been a crucial part of our long friendship. On Freedom we will explore those disagreements when they arise. 

We are not advancing any agenda with this show. Instead, our goal is to explore interesting and important ideas. We haven’t jettisoned our own perspectives, of course, so expect episodes that deal with salient questions of human liberty—this podcast is called “Freedom” after all. But that’s not the point of the show. Too many conversations are shallow—especially political ones—and too many ideas go unexamined. 

We hope you’ll join us on these new explorations.

Subscribe to Freedom Podcast: Ideas that Matter

Conversations about ideas that matter. Hosted by Trevor Burrus and Aaron Ross Powell.


Host of ReImagining Liberty, a podcast about the emancipatory, cosmopolitan, and forward-looking case for radical liberty, and Zooming In, a show from The UnPopulist. Radical liberal cosmopolitan and ex-think tank scholar.
I write about the drug war, gun law, and good constitutional government. I am a constitutional lawyer, the former editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review, and I’m the editor of the “Fireproofing the Presidency” series for The UnPopulist.